Wednesday 15 September 2021

Affirmation of the Week



What meaning has your life given you so far?

What purpose are you living by?

Do you feel that you fully live your purpose?

In what areas of your life are you rocking it? In what areas do you need more work/help/support/resources/opportunities?

What negative thoughts and limiting beliefs do I need to release to allow my life to have meaning and purpose?

What would be small daily things (practices, tasks, interactions, thoughts…) you could explore so that your life has meaning and purpose every day, the way you want it?

Sunday 12 September 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt



What situations in your life do you live reluctantly?

How does it make you feel?

In what ways are they not true for you?

What positives do you get out of living these situations, even if reluctantly?

What do you wish instead?

How can you get that?

What does your truth highlight about your most important values?

What would bringing these values into these situations look like/feel like?

Is that close to what you wished instead? How?

What do you need to transform these situations into life experiences that are true for you?

Thursday 9 September 2021

Affirmation of the Week



How do you feel?

Is that how you would like to feel the majority of the time?

What is the nature of your thoughts in general?

Can you see a correlation with the way you feel?

What is a typical day for you? 

What is the principal type of activities you do in your day?

Is that a perfect day for you? What would a perfect day look/feel like?

What does positive energy mean to you? What does it look/feel like?

What external influences do you currently accept to receive?

How much of it do you feel doesn’t serve you?

Can you replace them or transform them with more positivity? How?

Friday 3 September 2021

Affirmation of the Week



How much of a perfectionist are you?

What does it look like?

What areas of your life do you expect perfection?

If only some areas, why do you not expect perfection in the other areas of your life? What is the difference?

From whom do you expect perfection? Yourself? Others? Everyone? Everything?

If not from everyone and everything, what is the difference?

What are you afraid of when you or others don’t do things perfectly?

How hard do you find it to let go?

What does letting go look and feel like to you?

What are the consequences of not being able to let go of control in your life?

What would your life look like if it was easy for you to let go? What would it feel like?

  “We are human, we make mistakes “ - what is your initial reaction to this? What do you notice?

What progress have you managed to make in all areas of your life over the years, despite making mistakes and not being perfect or doing things perfectly?

What does it tell you?

How can you embrace more your imperfections (and other’s) and focus on progress?

What would it take for us to fully let go and how would that transform our life?

Sunday 29 August 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt



What are you grateful for?

How do you express your gratitude for these things?

Do you feel it is enough?

How could you go the extra mile and FULLY express your gratitude?

What is stopping you from doing this right now?

What would change for you?

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Affirmation of the Week



Currently, who is defining YOU?

Who do you let define you?


What does it bring you to let others define you?

What does it take away from you?

How do YOU define yourself? Or how do you want to define yourself?

Are you comfortable with putting forward YOUR definition of yourself to others? Why/why not?

What will make you more comfortable/ help you put forward who you are more confidently?

How can you get what you need to feel more confident?

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Affirmation of the Week



What are you afraid of? List them all, big and small.

Where do these fears come from?

What do they have in common?

What does it feel like when any of these fears gets hold of you?

What do they prevent you to do/say/think/feel?

What do these fears want from you? Visualise each as a living being and kindly ask it; start a dialogue and see what happens.

How do you feel about these fears now that you communicated with them?

How can you successfully work together to achieve what you want?

Monday 16 August 2021

Journaling Prompt



What is the best version of yourself right now?

What is the worst version of yourself?

What needs to happen for the worst version of yourself to shift into your current best version of yourself?

What do you want your ultimate best version of yourself to be?

What do you do to get to that version of yourself?

What qualities do you need to embrace?

What habits and negative talk do you need to let go of?

Thursday 12 August 2021

Affirmation of the Week



How good are you at giving?

How often do you give out of self-interest?

What feelings does it bring you?

How often do you give willingly without expectations?

How does it feel when you give from the bottom of your heart, instinctively, with expecting anything in return?

Sunday 8 August 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt



What do you find difficult at the moment?

What aspects do you struggle with most?

Do you need these in your life?

If you don’t, how can you let it go?

If you do, what do you need to help you embody these?

What affirmations can you create to get yourself used to these qualities, acceptance and embodiment?

Repeat your affirmations several times a day for 21 days and monitor your progress - how does it feel to say these affirmations?

Friday 6 August 2021

Affirmation of the Week



What does your current self care routine consists of?

How often do you manage to do it as planned?

What is in the way?

What can be avoided from what is in the way?

What do you need to do for it to be avoided efficiently?

Is your current self care routine what you would like it to be?

What would your ideal self care routine would look like? Feel like?

What is preventing you from having this ideal self care routine?

What can you add/do to your existing routine that will bring you closer to your ideal self care routine?

What can you do today/this week to make it happen?

Sunday 1 August 2021

Journaling Prompt



What does your mind want to create? 

What does your heart want to create?

What will it bring to your life?

What will it remove from your life?

Are what your mind and your heart want to create compatible?

Which one would you choose if you had to? Why?

If they are not compatible and both important to you, how can you make them compatible?

What do you need to prioritise?

What do you need to let go of to make these come to life?

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Affirmation of the Week



In which areas of your life do you feel brave? 

What does the brave you look like when you are brave? Sounds like? Feels like?

In what areas of your life do you feel you need to stand firm and take courage?

Describe in as much details as possible your feelings towards this?

What does it stop you from doing, saying, being, experiencing?

In each of these areas of your life, what would happen if you could stand firm and take courage?

What needs to happen between now and then?

How can you practice standing firm and taking courage on a very small scale, so that you can get grounded in this feeling and be able to gradually expand?

How can you ensure you are consistent in this practice?

What blueprints can you take from the areas of your life where you already feel brave and bring into in the areas of your life that need more work on this?

What baby step action can you take today/this week to start?

Sunday 18 July 2021

Journaling Prompt



In what areas of your life do you feel paralysed and helpless?

In what ways specifically?

What would stopping feeling paralysed and helpless in these areas feel like? Look like?

What needs to happen for you to go from where you are right now to where you stop feeling paralysed and helpless in these areas?

What do you need to let go of so you can stop feeling paralysed and helpless (or at least start to)?

What resources do you need so that you can take action? Internal as well as external resources.

How can you get/develop these resources?

Once you get these resources, what is the first action you will be able to take?

What small action can you take today/this week?

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Affirmation of the Week



How often do you feel joy in your life?

Is it enough for you?

Do you feel worthy of feeling joy? In what ways?

What would make you feel worthy?

What do you feel joy about?

What does joy feel to you in these experiences? In your body? In your mind? In your soul?

What blueprint can you create to make you feel joy any time you want? Paint it, draw it, write it, photograph it, record it, sculpt it… to have with you at hand. It is your own chosen permission to feel it 💜💜💜

Sunday 11 July 2021

Journaling Prompt



What responsibilities that you have have been thrust upon you?

How do you feel about each of them?

What do these responsibilities bring you?

What do they take away from you?

What responsibilities have you chosen to take on?


Of these chosen responsibilities, are some of these a burden? Which ones? Why?

How can you alleviate the loads of all the responsibilities you  have that weigh you down?

Monday 5 July 2021

Journaling Prompt



What is it that you’re not doing?

Why are you avoiding it?

What excuses do you us to avoid it?

Is this a regular pattern?

How does it feel to not do this thing you’re not doing?

What would help you do it?

What would this task result in?

Affirmation of the Week



What type of thoughts do you predominately have every day?

How do these thoughts make me feel?

What stories am I telling myself from these thoughts?

Are they true?

Do they define me?

“I am not my thoughts “ - do I truly believe this?

What will I need to believe it truly?

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Affirmation of the Week



What do you usually contract to?

Do you notice easily?

Why do you contract to these things/circumstances?

How do you soften?

If you usually don’t, what would help you soften?

Wednesday 23 June 2021




In what ways do you feel blessed in your life right now?

How often do you focus on gratitude and what good you have in your life?

How does it feel when you do?

How often do you focus on what you feel you are lacking?

How does it make you feel when you do?

Do you have a regular gratitude practice?

Is it something you would like to include in your daily life?

How could you introduce such a practice into your life?

What will you hope for from this practice?

Sunday 20 June 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt



How do you feel today?

What do you have on your to-do list for today?

Is that realistic?

What will happen if you don’t get it all done?

What do you need today?

What will be something daring you can do that will benefit/serve you right? In what ways will it serve you?

What will you need to let go of to be able to do this?

Thursday 17 June 2021




How do you feel right now?

What is stopping you from resting?

Where do these messages come from?

Why do you choose to listen to these messages? What are they bringing you?

What would rest look like for you?

How would you feel afterwards?

What do you need to allow yourself to rest?

What small action can you take this week towards this?

Sunday 13 June 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt



How are you feeling?

Looking closer, how are you really feeling?

What difference is there between these two assessments?

Why do you think you originally omitted this?

What does it tell you? What message are you receiving from this observation?

How do you want to feel, really?

What needs to happen to get from where you are to where you want to be?

How can you get this to happen?

What can stop you?

What do you need to let go for this to happen?

What do you need to acknowledge?

Thursday 10 June 2021




How mindful is your breathing?

What does your breathing usually look, sound and feel like?

In what areas of your life do you feel you need healing, love and peace? Why?

What will breathing in and out healing, love and peace bring you?

What trigger can you create in your life to remind you to inhale and exhale healing, love and peace?

Sunday 6 June 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt


What in my life is currently not going my way?

What is my reaction to it?

How do I feel about my reaction?

Are changes possible? What are they?

Have I started to implement these changes? How?

If not, what is stopping me?

Is it a pattern that I can notice is recurrent in my life story?

How can I break the pattern?

Who/What can help me?

What will it feel like when I have interrupted this pattern? What will I be free to do?

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What challenges are you currently experiencing?

In what ways do they challenge you?

What are these challenges blocking?

What have these challenges highlighted in your life?

What positive aspects of these challenges can you think of?

What lessons are you learning from these challenges?

What actions are these challenges prompting you to take/plan?

How comfortable are you with taking these actions?

How can you make these actions more comfortable/less scary to take? 

Sunday 23 May 2021

Journaling Prompt



How would you describe your current state?

Is this a usual state of being for you?

What brings this state to your life?

How does it feel?

How often do you experience peace? As often as you’d like? 

What goes against your peace?

How can you remove or minimise these obstacles?

What does peace look and feel like to you? Describe in as much details as you can. You are creating a blueprint for peace to refer back to when you need it. I find this visualisation technique very beneficial when I cannot bring the physical elements of what brings me peace to me at a particular moment.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What do you feel you need to heal from?

What resources do you currently have at your disposal to assist with your healing?

Which ones do you regularly use? What do they bring you?

Which ones do you not use? Why?

Are you open to all the ways you get to heal?

If not, what is in your way?

What do you feel is lacking in your healing process?

How can you get this support/resources...?

Monday 17 May 2021

Journaling Prompt



What mistakes haven’t I learned from yet?

What lessons can each of these mistakes teach me if I let them?

Am I resistant to these teachings? Why?

How does it feel to think of these mistakes?

What do I wish I could have done differently?

If I had, what lessons would they have brought? What lessons would I have missed?

How can I accept and integrate these lessons? What do I need for this to happen?

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What makes you happy?

What activities bring you happiness?

What does happiness feel like to you?

Do you believe that you deserve to be happy? Why?/why not?

What needs to happen for you to feel worthy of being happy?

What gets in the way of your happiness and doing activities that make you feel happy?

What can you do to minimise this?

Monday 10 May 2021

Journaling Prompt



Is your focus on something you chose? 

If not, who chose for you? Why?

Why are your focus on this?

What are you hoping to achieve?

What do you need to do to focus effectively on this?

Do you need to let go of anything for you to be able to focus effectively?

Are you willing to let go of this? Why?

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What do you feel a prisoner of?

How were these limits established upon you?

Whose choice was it?

For what purpose were these limits established?

Clearly defined each limiting belief stopping you and answer for each all the questions above. What do you notice?

Which of these limits are you ready to break free from? 

What will it feel/look/sound... like when you are completely free from these limits?

What will you be able to do? Who will you be able to be?

What needs to happen for these limiting beliefs and circumstances to vanish or at least subside?

What can you do to help the process?

What resources and support do you need?

How can you get it?

What is the very first step you can take towards setting yourself free from these limits?

Sunday 2 May 2021

Journaling Prompt



How do people who love you express their love to you? Think of all the different ways.

What ways do you appreciate more? Why? What do they bring you?

How does it feel to be loved this way?

What do these ways to love you say about the people in your life?

Can you think of any ways that you don’t feel comfortable with from the people expressing their love to you? What aspects make you feel uncomfortable? How does it make you feel?

What reasons can you think of for feeling uncomfortable?

What does it say about the people expressing their love for you in that way?

How do you prefer to be loved?

What is your attitude towards being loved and being shown?

What would you say it shows about you?

Do you love yourself? How do you show love to yourself?

Is that the way you would like to love yourself? Expand on that.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



How much positivity is in your life?

How much of this positivity was originated by you?

How do you create this positivity?

How much negativity is in your life?

What would it look like if it were turned into positivity?

How can you initiate and assist this transformation?

What is the first step you can do this week towards it?

Monday 26 April 2021

Journaling Prompt



What is your current situation?

What in your situation are you happy with?

What are you dissatisfied with? What caused this?

What needs to happen to transform these aspects you are dissatisfied with?

What action can you take to encourage this to happen?

What do you need to let go of to ensure success?

What would be the cherry on the cake?

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What is your initial reaction to this affirmation?

What does this affirmation mean to you?

Do you feel worthy in general in your life? Why is that?

What do you feel worthy of?

What do you feel unworthy of?

What is the difference between the things you feel worthy of and those you feel unworthy of?

What message or insight does this difference highlight? 

What would it take for you to feel worthy of everything in your life and coming to you?

What needs to happen for it to be true for you?

What can you do for it to happen?

Sunday 18 April 2021

Journaling Prompt



What is your current situation? How does it feel to be in this situation?

What have you already tried? How did it go?

How what you’re hoping for change your current situation?

Why are you hoping this to happen?

What will you be able to do? Who will you be able to be?

How will you feel?

How will it impact the people around you?

Are you ready for this change?

What can you do to make it happen? Break it down into baby steps - what is the first thing you can do this week to get things started? 

Thursday 15 April 2021

Affirmation of the Week



What emotions do you experience on a regular basis?

What triggers these emotions?

How do you react to each of these emotions?

Do you usually respond to these emotions? How?

Do you categorise emotions? (Eg good/bad, pleasurable/ painful...) How? What does it bring you to categorise your emotions?

What do these emotions teach you?

How easy is it for you to let your emotions go?

Next time you feel an emotion, I invite you to observe this emotion. How does it feel in your body? Where? Why is it here? How did it appear? What is it telling you to do? After you have discovered its message, ask yourself, is it helpful? If it is, dig deeper and open a dialogue with your emotion. If it isn’t, think of how you can achieve what you want while honouring the emotion’s message - say thank you and let it go.

Monday 12 April 2021

Journaling Prompt



What is your current environment like right now?
How does it feel to be in this environment?
Are you happy in this environment? Why/why not?
What is good for you in your current environment that you would like to keep? How does it support you?
What elements of your current environment would you like to change? How are they of disservice or detrimental to you?
What elements or qualities would you like to replace them with? What will it feel like?
What can you do to bring these into your environment? What research or help do you need?
What can be your very first step you can take this week?

Saturday 10 April 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What does your inner child need right now?

How do you know?

Why do you think you are the best person to take care if your inner child?

If you didn’t have to take responsibility for your inner child, who would you ask to take care of him/her/them?

What would this person do any different to you for your inner child?

How would that change things for your inner child?

How can you bring this to your inner child?

Do you want to take responsibility for your inner child? Why? Why not?

Monday 5 April 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt



What is my guilt all about?

When was it born? Under what circumstances?

What does this guilt feel/look/sound like to you?

Does it feel this way every day or when a certain reminder occurs? 

What does this guilt prevent you to do/say/feel/experience?

What would help you to alleviate the weight of this guilt on you?

Who can help you do that? What resources do you need?

What small step can you commit to in order to start releasing this guilt?

What will your life be/feel/look like when you have completely released this guilt?

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What are your dreams?

What do they mean to you?

Where did these dreams come from?

What do they reveal about you?

Where do these dreams guide you?

What insights do you get from these dreams?

Are you working towards these dreams? Why? Why not?

What do you need to work towards the dreams you haven’t taken action on?

What will it mean to you when you make these dreams come true?

Sunday 28 March 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt



What do you blame yourself about? Why do you blame yourself about any of these?

Who do you blame? What do you blame them for?

Examine each thing you either blame yourself for, and blame others for. What were the circumstances that resulted in this blame?

What part did you play, objectively? What do you wish you could have done differently?

How could you make peace with each of these blames? What needs to happen?

What is the first step you can take to make what you need happen?

Imagine all blame is gone- what does it feel like? Look like? What difference is it making to your life?

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What do you fear? List as many as you can think of.

Why do you feel you fear these things?

What does it bring you to fear these things? 

How do these fears protect you?

How do your fears feel like? Look like? Sound like?

How do these fears affect your life?

What do you want to say to these fears?

Pick one fear at a time - what is one small step I can take towards releasing my fear?

Sunday 21 March 2021

Journaling Prompt



Who do I compare myself to?

Who is this person to you?

Do you feel dependent on peer pressure? In what ways?

What does it bring you to compare yourself to others? Think of positives as well as negatives.

What does it tell you about yourself, your needs?

In what other way could you get this without the need to compare yourself to others? What would it look like?

Would it feel different to comparing yourself to others? Would it be better or not? Please describe in as much detail as you can.

Do you compare yourself to your past self? To your future self? 

What do you discover about yourself when you compare yourself to other versions of yourself? 

What type of comparison do you feel is more beneficial to you? Comparing to others or other versions of yourself? Why?

Thursday 18 March 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



Do you feel OK with not being OK? Why (not)?

How does it feel to not be OK? Think of as many examples you can remember.

In each if these examples, what caused you to feel not OK?

How did you react/respond?

What do you wish you would have done differently?

What can you do next time?

In the meantime, or if it doesn’t work, how can you find being OK with not being  OK?

What will it feel/look like to be OK with not being OK?

What resources do you need with being able to be OK with not being  OK?

Saturday 13 March 2021



*card from Qualities Card Deck on Etsy from UnspeakableArts

PLAY - that is today’s quality card that I picked this morning. And I felt inspired to write about it. When I picked this card (it jumped out of the deck when I was shuffling, that’s my way of picking one card) my reaction was surprise, then pure glee, I got excited but also I felt a very strong synchronicity as I had literally just finished painting backgrounds in my Feelings Journal. I skipped 2 days because it was too late in the evening for me to paint a background and wait for it to dry.

This morning I literally just played - finger painting, using an old makeup sponge and also an odd sock (I had left my paint brushes downstairs and couldn’t be bothered to move from my bedroom!) I used to paint almost daily (mixed media messy art) a few years ago and was hit with artist’s block, desert island. When I tried to paint, it would feel so forced that I didn’t enjoy it anymore and, for well over a year, almost two, I did not paint. Now the fun is back and although I might paint once every couple of weeks, even just doing simple backgrounds of literally one rectangle of colour and a border in another colour for my Feelings journaling practice. It now truly feels like play.

This is just one of many examples of activities where I can feel the quality of play.

I remember a time when I used to work full time (currently at home on furlough since last year), going back home totally exhausted. It was so hard to find time to play, or even the energy. But every time I did, it felt like I had found my salvation, I had come back to life again - I was that little girl, carefree, and just exploring, having fun, making a mess; no stress, no worries, no responsibilities. It was so freeing. Playing brings you back to your inner child, in that state of innocence, untouched and unspoilt by society’s expectations, demands, judgements, values, right or wrong. You want to paint that tree blue and purple? You just do it, you don’t ask if it’s right or wrong - and by whose standards anyway?

Play is the ultimate freedom, unfiltered exploration where you find treasures by using your imagination and your intuition in ways you have always been meant to, and finding these gifts, insights and answers that would have never come to you by using the acceptable logic. Play is a portal to your happiness, freedom, discovering who you are and coming closer to your True Self.

It is so important to incorporate the quality of play in your life. The reality of this world can sometimes be so soul-crushing. Play brings you the balance, the uplift, shows you what is true and beautiful.

Obviously it does not work for everything- I am yet to incorporate the quality of play when I need to do my chores! But I can play pretend that I am a magician or a wizard/witch when I do the dishes (it sometimes work!)

The secret is, when you can, to not take things so seriously and make them less boring, less of a pain. We all have opportunities in our days to lighten up. We just need to notice, recognise and ask ourselves, how can I make this more fun, more playful? and just give it a go.

I encourage you to try it and see what happens. In which areas of your life could you do with a little bit more play? How could you incorporate this quality in simple ways? List all your ideas, pick one, and do it. See what happens. Probably some good old magic...

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What does truly matter to you?

Do you always do it/prioritise it? Why? / Why not?

What would it look like to do what matters ? What would it feel like?

What could you do this week that truly matters to you and that you don’t usually act on? 

What would be a first easy step to prioritise it?

How can you make it into an easy and beneficial habit?

Sunday 7 March 2021

Journaling Prompt



When do you feel you could do just the bare minimum?

Do you let yourself do the bare minimum in these times? Why/why not?

If you answered yes, how does it feel?

How would it feel to only do the bare minimum when you feel tired, overwhelmed, stressed...?

What would doing the bare minimum look like for you, in practical terms? What would you prioritise? Why?

How do you usually plan your days? Do you take into account how you feel on that day? Why/why not?

What would it mean to you to give yourself permission to only do the bare minimum when you need it?

How can you make it an available practice to you for when you need it?

Thursday 4 March 2021

Affirmation “Wednesday”



How would you describe your physical pain? What events or experiences relate or contributed to it?

How would you describe your emotional pain? What events or experiences relate or contributed to it? Where do you feel it in your body? How does it feel like?

How would you describe your psychological pain? What events or experiences relate or contributed to it?

How would you describe your spiritual pain? What events or experiences relate or contributed to it?

Do you agree with this affirmation? Why? In what ways?

How can you turn your pain into gold nuggets? Physical? Emotional? Psychological? Spiritual? 

*please remember that I am not a professional. These are techniques that I personally use to dig deep in my soul journey that support me. I am presenting these to you in the hope that they will be of some help to you, even if just as inspiration. If anything gets triggered in your soul journey either by any of these prompts I present weekly for Affirmations and Journaling Prompts, or anything else in your life, please ensure that you have qualified or professional support in place to help you. Wishing you all the best in your journey, my beautiful souls❤️