Wednesday 21 July 2021

Affirmation of the Week



In which areas of your life do you feel brave? 

What does the brave you look like when you are brave? Sounds like? Feels like?

In what areas of your life do you feel you need to stand firm and take courage?

Describe in as much details as possible your feelings towards this?

What does it stop you from doing, saying, being, experiencing?

In each of these areas of your life, what would happen if you could stand firm and take courage?

What needs to happen between now and then?

How can you practice standing firm and taking courage on a very small scale, so that you can get grounded in this feeling and be able to gradually expand?

How can you ensure you are consistent in this practice?

What blueprints can you take from the areas of your life where you already feel brave and bring into in the areas of your life that need more work on this?

What baby step action can you take today/this week to start?

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