Wednesday 28 April 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



How much positivity is in your life?

How much of this positivity was originated by you?

How do you create this positivity?

How much negativity is in your life?

What would it look like if it were turned into positivity?

How can you initiate and assist this transformation?

What is the first step you can do this week towards it?

Monday 26 April 2021

Journaling Prompt



What is your current situation?

What in your situation are you happy with?

What are you dissatisfied with? What caused this?

What needs to happen to transform these aspects you are dissatisfied with?

What action can you take to encourage this to happen?

What do you need to let go of to ensure success?

What would be the cherry on the cake?

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What is your initial reaction to this affirmation?

What does this affirmation mean to you?

Do you feel worthy in general in your life? Why is that?

What do you feel worthy of?

What do you feel unworthy of?

What is the difference between the things you feel worthy of and those you feel unworthy of?

What message or insight does this difference highlight? 

What would it take for you to feel worthy of everything in your life and coming to you?

What needs to happen for it to be true for you?

What can you do for it to happen?

Sunday 18 April 2021

Journaling Prompt



What is your current situation? How does it feel to be in this situation?

What have you already tried? How did it go?

How what you’re hoping for change your current situation?

Why are you hoping this to happen?

What will you be able to do? Who will you be able to be?

How will you feel?

How will it impact the people around you?

Are you ready for this change?

What can you do to make it happen? Break it down into baby steps - what is the first thing you can do this week to get things started? 

Thursday 15 April 2021

Affirmation of the Week



What emotions do you experience on a regular basis?

What triggers these emotions?

How do you react to each of these emotions?

Do you usually respond to these emotions? How?

Do you categorise emotions? (Eg good/bad, pleasurable/ painful...) How? What does it bring you to categorise your emotions?

What do these emotions teach you?

How easy is it for you to let your emotions go?

Next time you feel an emotion, I invite you to observe this emotion. How does it feel in your body? Where? Why is it here? How did it appear? What is it telling you to do? After you have discovered its message, ask yourself, is it helpful? If it is, dig deeper and open a dialogue with your emotion. If it isn’t, think of how you can achieve what you want while honouring the emotion’s message - say thank you and let it go.

Monday 12 April 2021

Journaling Prompt



What is your current environment like right now?
How does it feel to be in this environment?
Are you happy in this environment? Why/why not?
What is good for you in your current environment that you would like to keep? How does it support you?
What elements of your current environment would you like to change? How are they of disservice or detrimental to you?
What elements or qualities would you like to replace them with? What will it feel like?
What can you do to bring these into your environment? What research or help do you need?
What can be your very first step you can take this week?

Saturday 10 April 2021

Affirmation Wednesday



What does your inner child need right now?

How do you know?

Why do you think you are the best person to take care if your inner child?

If you didn’t have to take responsibility for your inner child, who would you ask to take care of him/her/them?

What would this person do any different to you for your inner child?

How would that change things for your inner child?

How can you bring this to your inner child?

Do you want to take responsibility for your inner child? Why? Why not?

Monday 5 April 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt



What is my guilt all about?

When was it born? Under what circumstances?

What does this guilt feel/look/sound like to you?

Does it feel this way every day or when a certain reminder occurs? 

What does this guilt prevent you to do/say/feel/experience?

What would help you to alleviate the weight of this guilt on you?

Who can help you do that? What resources do you need?

What small step can you commit to in order to start releasing this guilt?

What will your life be/feel/look like when you have completely released this guilt?