Wednesday 15 September 2021

Affirmation of the Week



What meaning has your life given you so far?

What purpose are you living by?

Do you feel that you fully live your purpose?

In what areas of your life are you rocking it? In what areas do you need more work/help/support/resources/opportunities?

What negative thoughts and limiting beliefs do I need to release to allow my life to have meaning and purpose?

What would be small daily things (practices, tasks, interactions, thoughts…) you could explore so that your life has meaning and purpose every day, the way you want it?

Sunday 12 September 2021

Sunday Journaling Prompt



What situations in your life do you live reluctantly?

How does it make you feel?

In what ways are they not true for you?

What positives do you get out of living these situations, even if reluctantly?

What do you wish instead?

How can you get that?

What does your truth highlight about your most important values?

What would bringing these values into these situations look like/feel like?

Is that close to what you wished instead? How?

What do you need to transform these situations into life experiences that are true for you?

Thursday 9 September 2021

Affirmation of the Week



How do you feel?

Is that how you would like to feel the majority of the time?

What is the nature of your thoughts in general?

Can you see a correlation with the way you feel?

What is a typical day for you? 

What is the principal type of activities you do in your day?

Is that a perfect day for you? What would a perfect day look/feel like?

What does positive energy mean to you? What does it look/feel like?

What external influences do you currently accept to receive?

How much of it do you feel doesn’t serve you?

Can you replace them or transform them with more positivity? How?

Friday 3 September 2021

Affirmation of the Week



How much of a perfectionist are you?

What does it look like?

What areas of your life do you expect perfection?

If only some areas, why do you not expect perfection in the other areas of your life? What is the difference?

From whom do you expect perfection? Yourself? Others? Everyone? Everything?

If not from everyone and everything, what is the difference?

What are you afraid of when you or others don’t do things perfectly?

How hard do you find it to let go?

What does letting go look and feel like to you?

What are the consequences of not being able to let go of control in your life?

What would your life look like if it was easy for you to let go? What would it feel like?

  “We are human, we make mistakes “ - what is your initial reaction to this? What do you notice?

What progress have you managed to make in all areas of your life over the years, despite making mistakes and not being perfect or doing things perfectly?

What does it tell you?

How can you embrace more your imperfections (and other’s) and focus on progress?

What would it take for us to fully let go and how would that transform our life?