Wednesday 21 July 2021

Affirmation of the Week



In which areas of your life do you feel brave? 

What does the brave you look like when you are brave? Sounds like? Feels like?

In what areas of your life do you feel you need to stand firm and take courage?

Describe in as much details as possible your feelings towards this?

What does it stop you from doing, saying, being, experiencing?

In each of these areas of your life, what would happen if you could stand firm and take courage?

What needs to happen between now and then?

How can you practice standing firm and taking courage on a very small scale, so that you can get grounded in this feeling and be able to gradually expand?

How can you ensure you are consistent in this practice?

What blueprints can you take from the areas of your life where you already feel brave and bring into in the areas of your life that need more work on this?

What baby step action can you take today/this week to start?

Sunday 18 July 2021

Journaling Prompt



In what areas of your life do you feel paralysed and helpless?

In what ways specifically?

What would stopping feeling paralysed and helpless in these areas feel like? Look like?

What needs to happen for you to go from where you are right now to where you stop feeling paralysed and helpless in these areas?

What do you need to let go of so you can stop feeling paralysed and helpless (or at least start to)?

What resources do you need so that you can take action? Internal as well as external resources.

How can you get/develop these resources?

Once you get these resources, what is the first action you will be able to take?

What small action can you take today/this week?

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Affirmation of the Week



How often do you feel joy in your life?

Is it enough for you?

Do you feel worthy of feeling joy? In what ways?

What would make you feel worthy?

What do you feel joy about?

What does joy feel to you in these experiences? In your body? In your mind? In your soul?

What blueprint can you create to make you feel joy any time you want? Paint it, draw it, write it, photograph it, record it, sculpt it… to have with you at hand. It is your own chosen permission to feel it 💜💜💜

Sunday 11 July 2021

Journaling Prompt



What responsibilities that you have have been thrust upon you?

How do you feel about each of them?

What do these responsibilities bring you?

What do they take away from you?

What responsibilities have you chosen to take on?


Of these chosen responsibilities, are some of these a burden? Which ones? Why?

How can you alleviate the loads of all the responsibilities you  have that weigh you down?

Monday 5 July 2021

Journaling Prompt



What is it that you’re not doing?

Why are you avoiding it?

What excuses do you us to avoid it?

Is this a regular pattern?

How does it feel to not do this thing you’re not doing?

What would help you do it?

What would this task result in?

Affirmation of the Week



What type of thoughts do you predominately have every day?

How do these thoughts make me feel?

What stories am I telling myself from these thoughts?

Are they true?

Do they define me?

“I am not my thoughts “ - do I truly believe this?

What will I need to believe it truly?