Saturday, 30 May 2020


When affirming something, you are emphatically stating that it is so.
It is with this attitude in mind that affirmations are built and stated.

Affirmations are a practice that was firmly established in the early 20th century by French psychologist and pharmacist Emile Coue, even though the method can be traced back as early as ancient eastern religions.
The great advances in medical research now enable to demonstrate and support the effectiveness of practising affirmations, especially in modern neuroscience.

The aim of affirmations is to establish positive thinking and empowerment in the individual. They are presented as statements in the present tense. Using this tense enables you to ground in the now.

Another particularity of affirmations is that they contain either (or several) of these words - I, me, my.
The effect of this is to help the “affirmer” to focus on him/her to empower him/herself and move into a state of positivity and confidence.

Examples of affirmations are: “I am worthy of love”, “the universe has my back”, “others looks up to me instinctively for wisdom and support”...
The empowerment target theme can be very varied, depending on your initial intent - self-esteem, confidence, relationships, success, overcoming fears and obstacles, health...

When you start practising affirmations, they can sound a bit cheesy to you, but you just need to trust the process. In time, you will feel the transformation and find that the initial discomfort and embarrassment were well worth it.

While the main practice model consists of stating the affirmation (either outloud or to yourself) and repeating it, listening to affirmations can also be effective. They still access your subconscious who will integrate them in your mind.
The more you state the affirmation, the more you get used to it and believe it and, as you believe it, it becomes part of your thinking patterns.

I have been listening to various affirmations meditations from Jacqui Prydie on the Insight Timer app, on a daily basis just before bedtime, and have found them not only very relaxing but also beneficial, especially in these uncertain times.
I have decided to be more active in my Affirmations practice and concentrate on one affirmation to focus on per week. So, from Wednesday 3rd June, I will be posting one affirmation per week on the blog, Facebook and Instagram for you to join the adventure.

Keep an eye out for Affirmation Wednesdays...

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